The Goal with Goals

Aug 6, 2021Insights by Loius Gerke

Stay Focused

As much as there could be an argument for giving up on goal setting during times of extreme uncertainty, I urge you all not to do so. 

Deciding not to set goals, and resigning oneself to a wait-and-see approach, removes that all-important aspect of focussing on those areas of our lives that are within our ability to control.

Why bother, when every time I stand up I get knocked down again? 
Why bother, when just as things open up we have another period of lockdown? 
Why bother building infrastructure, when people could burn it to the ground in the blink of an eye? 
Many people are feeling this way.

So why bother?

There are times when nobody knocks us down, and being in the standing position is the place from whence, we achieve success.

There are times between lockdown (and there will be times after lockdown) where movement is less restricted, and if the mindset of why bother has taken grip, you will have only succeeded in locking yourself down.

There has been destruction and there is a lot still standing. 

Goal setting which is comprehensive is the way to go for all of us:

  • attain and retain.
  • build and breakdown.
  • new and existing.
  • local and international.
  • home and work.
  • rebuild and protect.
  • compensate and hold accountable.

The more balanced our goal setting is, the more all-rounded we become.

My advice:

If you find that you are dealing with daily uncertainty – things could change at any time during a day – set goals on an hourly basis.

If you find that you are dealing with weekly uncertainty – things could change at any time during a week – set goals on a daily basis.

If you find that you are dealing with monthly uncertainty – things could change at any time during a month – set goals on a weekly basis.

If you find that you are dealing with annual uncertainty – then let us know!

The goal with goals is to give purpose and meaning. 

They result in the ability to set milestones, and milestones allow for that sense of step-by-step progress.  Having goals pushes us into proactive behaviour, which is the ticket to avoid becoming complete victims of circumstance.  We have something to celebrate with every small step in the right direction.  Should it be that we get knocked down, having the goal clearly before us increases the likelihood of getting back up.

The Ripple Effect and our team have worked constantly since March 2020 to be in the best possible mental state to be there for businesses and business leaders in need of help.   We have succeeded to date, and we keep that goal at the forefront of our approach. 

By Louis Gerke

Facilitator |  Coach | Trainer | Speaker

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