Your heart must be in it

Jun 27, 2017The Ripple Effect Blog

This past weekend I had the honour of presenting at the annual Les Nouvelles Esthetiques Spa Conference 2017.

The Spa Conference is a must attend event for all Spa Managers, Salon or Spa Owners, and Wellness Professionals throughout South Africa and Africa. It focuses on building capacity, raising benchmarks and adding value to the Spa Industry.

My presentation revolved around the theme of the conference … #LOVE Your Spa – Revive the Passion.

In my opinion, passion is not just the way to happiness – it’s also the fuel that ignites success.

Having passion for a particular goal, whether personal or professional, provides the energy and motivation to take the actions necessary to achieve that goal. It’s the intangible component that explains why some people and teams are better able to stick with their plans and achieve greater levels of success.

Your passion is central to your approach to your business, your team, your customers and your suppliers. Everything you touch, do, say, think and feel is experienced by others as a transfer of your enthusiasm.

If you realise that you have lost your passion … now is the time to revive it!

Your heart (passion) must be in all that you do

When your heart is in it, there is a natural level of commitment that results.  Is your heart in it?

Four aspects are important to reflect on:

  1. Do you have goals in place that are driving you?
  2. Can you identify when your level of passion is under threat?
  3. Do you have the ability to recover to fully motivated in the shortest period of time?
  4. Have you developed the resilience over years of recovery to keep your motivation up regardless of the situation you find yourself in?

Check to see if your heart is in the driving seat of your business

Here is a simple checklist to determine if your heart (passion) is in the driving seat of your business and/or career path.

  • I have personal goals in place.
  • I celebrate my successes.
  • Should life’s challenges feel overwhelming, I have a rock-solid support system in place.
  • I am not too stubborn or proud to use my support system as and when I need to.
  • I have clear “SMART” business goals in place.
  • While negativity may sell newspapers, I read more into life.
  • I am able to recognize when my business passion is under threat and I immediately revive it.
  • I own my passion for life and don’t allow the general mood of society to determine it.
  • I acknowledge all the good in my life.
  • I have clear business ideals in place that are a constant guide for me to be the best version of myself as business owner.
  • My passion is contagious.
  • I know what I love doing so I regularly make time to do these things.
  • When I cannot do what I love doing through necessity, I remind myself of the above point.
  • I express gratitude for the ways in which my life is blessed.
  • I live by the notion that “where there is a will, there is a way.”
  • I have consciously placed positive affirmations in my environment that keep me reminded and aligned with the way I choose to live my life.
  • I acknowledge all compliments with a heart-felt thank you.
  • I acknowledge that I am fully at will to choose my reactions to life’s challenges.
  • I understand the theory of the bad apple and will not allow one person’s negativity to bring down the well-being of the team.
  • I fully acknowledge and appreciate all that goes right in my business.

We trust you will derive value from the time you set aside for this guided stock take.


By Louis Gerke

Development FacilitatorThe Ripple Effect

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By Louis Gerke

Facilitator |  Coach | Trainer | Speaker

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