Can’t wait …..

Feb 13, 2018The Ripple Effect Blog

live in the present

Can’t wait.  Living in the Western Cape we are hearing these two words followed mainly by the following words – …. for the rains to come.

This makes perfect sense considering the severe drought we find ourselves in.  We need the rain but according to our past rainfall patterns it won’t be coming for a while.

The danger of “Can’t wait” is the tendency for such thoughts to remove us from focusing on the present moment.  None of us can wait for the rain and it will be a great relief when it comes but we have to still deal with the current circumstance.

We have to deal with the lack of water now and must focus on solutions that will have an impact now.  Any “can’t wait” statement should be monitored closely to see exactly what it is being said or projected.

Can’t wait for the children to leave home.

Can’t wait for winter to come for it to be cooler.

Can’t wait for my next holiday as I need some time out.

Can’t wait for the next Management meeting to sort this out.

Can’t wait for the next season of Suits to have something to watch.

Can’t wait for the weekend so that this week will be over.

Can’t wait for the new iPhone.

Can’t wait is a sign of living in the future

Living is probably not even the right word.  Can’t wait is a sign of being lost in the future.  Better.

What we do in each moment determines our future.  How we save water, how we change our attitude to water usage, how we store water NOW.  These things done with vigour now, in the present, will lead to a different outcome.

Being lost in the future is disempowering.  Can’t wait statements and can’t wait thoughts can be so innocently used.  Consider a thought like “I can’t wait to see my dad again to tell him how grateful I am for all he has done for me.”  I am not saying don’t have these thoughts or don’t say such things, I am merely highlighting the advantage of a second thought – so is there anything I need to do or could do NOW.

Wishes need actions

We all wish for the rains to come and in the meantime we are doing …… not to run out of water.

Actions need to be guided by wishes.  We are doing …… because as a community we do not want to run out of water.


Can’t wait is one thing – living in the moment is another.  Do both.


By Louis Gerke

Development FacilitatorThe Ripple Effect


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By Louis Gerke

Facilitator |  Coach | Trainer | Speaker

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